Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Compendium December 2011

So I have been writing for a while now. Early on my writing was a public log of my journey into triathlon. I have been thinking about writing again about my recent revival and injury, but mostly stopped that after a while. The Top few, and a couple that bridge boundaries are repeated so people who only are interested in certain topics can still read them.

My top few:
1) Corporate Venture Capital (2011) - Listed this first out of order. I WANT the right people to read this and consider it!
2) China's Command Economy, Resource Efficiency, and the worlds Geopolitical Future (2009)
3) The Art of Triathlon (2009)
4) Market Based Health Care (2009)
5) Aerobic Training Theory, History, and Methodologies. My take... (2010)
6) The Compton Cookout, and Isadore Hall III: McCarthy's New Age Revival (2010)
7) Climate Prediction Accuracy (2010)
8) Exercise and The Brain. The Body-Mind Connection! (2010)
9) Denialism and FUD (2010)
10) Future Tech: Quantum Redux (2010)
11) Carpe Diem (2010)
12 DNA Replication in silico (2011)
13) Greentech and Alternative Energy (2011)
14) Could we need a revolution any worse? (2011)

My Departure from Luxtera - Cool note I wrote when I left/got fired a job and how excited  I was.
Wealth Inequality (2008) - Musings from 2008 on Wealth inequality and how USA is actually pretty bad. Seems Media and Public is finally coming around to this.
Denialism and FUD - Thoughts on how we are often bombarded with illogical fallacies disguised as arguments.

Signing Statements - One of my criticisms of the Obama administration, along with continued gross abuse of warrantless search and surveillance.
Market Based Health Care - My early musings on how we should implement healthcare reform. I still mostly agree.
Corporate Venture Capital - My thoughts on how we could use the current cash pile to grow our economy's infrastructure and make money!
Being Environmentally Friendly does NOT cost money - Self Explanatory
The Compton Cookout, and Isadore Hall III: McCarthy's New Age Revival - Writings in response to a racist incident at UCSD and a politicians response.
Could we need a revolution any worse? - Comments on my disgust regarding government waste, inefficiency and graft.

Sports/Training (these articles often also involve a good amount of philosophy):
The Art of Triathlon - One of my favorite pieces. Musings on triathlon right as I started Ironman Peak and Taper before IM Cozumel in 2009.
Aerobic Training Theory and History - Good compendium for those looking to maximize training results.
Exercise and The Brain. The Body-Mind Connection! - My views on how activities affect our mind, body, and soul.

Socio-Political Stuff:
China, Resources, and the World in 2009 - China and my view of the world in 2009.
Being Environmentally Friendly does NOT cost money - Self Explanatory
Corporate Venture Capital - My thoughts on how we could use the current cash pile to grow our economy's infrastructure and make money!

Weaknesses in modern Data Mining - How not thinking "4th dimensionally" as I like to say affects the way we search data.

Science (often get's philosophical as well):
Lack of Genetic Diversity in key crops - The risks we are inducing by reducing our key feedstocks to a VERY small number of species. Also how natural systems could be more effective than pesticides etc,
The evolution of the online ecosystem - cool musings on the internet
Whole Genome Transcription Paper - Paper I wrote software for and collaborated on.
Climate Prediction Accuracy - My call for predictive accuracy to determine our belief.
Roundup Resistant weeds ATTACK! - More comments on how our attempts to subvert nature are hapless, and a call to return to more natural methods.
Future Tech: Quantum Redux  - Cool things coming out of quantum mechanics science
Future Tech II: Supersolids, Meta Materials, Varying Fine Structure Constant, and Maxwell's Demon! -
Come more cool things coming out of crazy futuristic science
DNA Replication in silico - Cool accidental genetic inheritance in gene chips.
Greentech and Alternative Energy - Defining the concepts.

A couple of instructive postings (read if you wanna learn):
The Vestibular System - Random cool physiology thing
Error Analysis - Basics
Memristors - New basic electronic component, that can sorta behave like a NEURON in silico!
Infrared -vs- Thermal Junction Temperature Sensing Part 1
Infrared -vs- Thermal Junction Temperature Sensing Part 2

And some random Musings.

I left out the stuff that was a bout news events. Hope you enjoy and give feedback on the page as well as the articles!

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